Friday, December 7, 2007


New mat, new texture, new awareness. New mats have a unique smell, like new cars -- so in your face that this is definitely NEW.

Why does awareness grow greater with something new? What is it about the old that can dull the senses?

Maybe it isn't so much about the old but about embracing change and at times, we're more receptive to that than others.

Something as small as a new yoga mat can energize and recalibrate a practice that's trusted and consistent. It is like change in our lives -- I can slip and slide all over a new mat, but as soon as I get used to it, I settle in, forgetting about that period of adjustments.

There's so much in between the brackets of NEW and OLD in our lives. The richness of experiences that tends to get overshadowed by the explosiveness of entrances and exits.